What is Sogeviso
Sogeviso is a real estate service provider specialised in socially responsible and economically sustainable
real estate portfolios management, bringing reputational value to the property.
In order to enhance classic real estate management, Sogeviso provides experience in managing people and their socio-economic problems, being empathetic to what goes on in society in relation to housing and facilitating the property-tenant relationship.
The basis of our operation is knowledge of the tenant and the progression of their economic situation and, if necessary, recognising their vulnerability and establishing a management model based on it.
In such cases(vulnerable tenants), we work to improve the income capacity of those who make up the family unit (public housing tenants), with socio-educational activities or labour insertion (Social Contract).
Finally, Sogeviso, aware of the deficit of affordable rental housing stock, has developed a public-private partnership model for the promotion of rental housing, contributing its social management methodology concurrently.
Our values
Our values are summarised by principles that determine our way of working and our goals and objectives.
We carry out our work with competence and a sense of responsibility in every step we take and every tool we propose. We strive to offer the best because we are conscious of the fact that we are dealing with people.
We are a young, dynamic and innovative company that seeks to surpass itself every day with new challenges and projects. We don’t take no for an answer. We anticipate the needs of our clients (both property and tenants) and seek to find innovative solutions to their problems.
We are defined by our rigour, cleanliness and permanent search for excellence in our work. We have a competent, trained and committed team. We are backed up by our experience.
We work with innovative and dynamic structures and processes that allow us to offer the best answers and solutions.
We listen to and understand the people we interact with closely and with a positive attitude. We spread positivity because there is always a silver lining in a bad situation.
We act with transparency and integrity, trusting people and their ability to overcome adversity.
Sogeviso’s double-edged goal
Sogeviso’s activity is focused on two aspects to solve a dual problem with a significant economic and reputational impact:

We proactively manage the affordable or public rental housing stock by reducing the default rate and preventing properties from becoming unproductive assets.

We establish mechanisms for their knowledge, and in situations of vulnerability, we provide the family unit with the means to improve their socio-economic perspectives and, as far as possible, tackle obstacles.